So 09 is here, what do ya'll think about it so far? Well for me 09 has been uneventful and boring, but that's because I have been at home and haven't been around friends at school or at church. But i was recently "forced" to join Bible Extreme at my church. It's like Bible Drill, but way harder! 08 was a good year; lots of things happened!!! Lets reminisce:
1. I FOUND NEW BANDS! Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, The Cab, Paramore, etc.
2. I got my license
3. I got my class ring
There's a ton more, but these are the ones i vividly remember! I am expecting some things in 09 such as:
2. Go to another concert(preferably Panic at the Disco)
3. Figure out what I want to do with my life!
4. Figure out what college I want to go to & visit it along with others
5. Get stronger in my walk with God.
6. Set goals for myself.
Wow that's a lot, but can you believe there is more? Ha well I'll stop there, don't want to bore you with those details! So what are some of your "resolutions"?
Oh yeah, I alomost forgot. I would like to give memory to those who died in 08:
1. Heath Ledger.
I loved that kid!! He was cute and a really good actor! The only reason I watched The Dark Knight was because it was his last movie he did before he died. I'm glad I watched it because I love that movie now!
2. Bernie Mac
3. Isaac Hayes
There are others, but I didn't recongize who they were! You can go to google & type in people who died in 08 & it will give you a list!
3 months ago
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