Hey Hey. Ugh don't ya just hate school!!! Haha well, I do anyway, sometimes. Sometimes there are perks to school, like all the hot guys to look at, but at our school there are NO HOT GUYS!!! Well maybe some, but you can only count em on two hands!!! It's like if they are even remotely good looking our school says ; no he's to good looking, find an uglier guy!! ( From the wise words of Bailey) HAHA Ok the message was not to bash the guys at my school, it was just to point put a random fact; something you will have to deal with if or when reading this blog. Ok so I didn't really do much over the weekend except for car shopping, but I already wrote about it, and I went to the Fall Fest. It was the biggest ever this year with 120 booths, I think. Oh yeah my first period computer class has to put together a project to present to the 1st graders. We are " teaching" them about the Armor of God. It's alright, I kinda don't want to do it, I hate being in front of people, even if it is 1st graders!!! Well that's all I guess. I'd like to direct your attention to the bottom of the page where you will find a poll that asks you if you are excited about the Twilight movie. Are you looking? Ok good, now then you will find three options, I would like for you to pick one and vote. Because as you've probably heard "It's very important to express your opinion and make a difference" HAHA Thought I'd throw that in there since it was getting pretty close to voting. But seriously you need to vote, here and on Nov. 4th!!! It's crucial. (the Nov. 4th one) If you don't know what the Twilight movie is, then you should read the other post that's entitled "Raise Your Hand If You're Excited For the Twilight Movie" and I will more than likely post something when it gets closer to premiere time!!! Well that's all for now, I've got to go get ready for dinner!!!
3 months ago
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