Hey guys, just wanted to let u kno that I am indeed still here!!! So I promised you weekly artists, songs, or watever. This week's artist is none other than: Panic At The Disco!!! * Applause* Yeah you go guys!!! And their new song and video is song of the week and video of the week is It's Almost Halloween!!! YAY!!!!! you can go to youtube or www.friendsorenemies.com to watch it!! They made it themselves and it's pretty cool for homemade videos!! Haha ok well I'm exhausted from all this school. I think someone should scientifically prove that school is bad for your health!! Or at least physically going to school, having someone go there for you is fine or someone just discover an insertable chip already!!! Alright well I'm gonna go sleep, or something relaxing!! Talk to ya'll later!!!
~* Caroline *~
3 months ago
It would be so awesome to have an insert-able chip for learning languages!!!
You could speak EVERY language!
including pig-latin!
haha yes indeed!!! and math!!!
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