" I'm in love with a boy(actualy a few) that doesn't know I exist!!!
Artist of the week: Fall Out Boy
Album: Folie a Deux
There are several good songs on this album!!!! Go to iTunes & buy it or Best Buy or whatever store sells it, it's so not a waste of money!!!! Then go to wwwfalloutboyrock.com/bonus to get somethin free, I think a song and some wallpaper for your computer! Fun times fun times!!!!!
Rascal Flatts Countdown!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Favorite quote
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey there! It's me, Caroline. I jsut wanted to check in with all my 4 followers. HAHA! Anyway, it's exam week & you know what that means, late nights & tons of coffee!!( if you drink coffee, if you don't, eat some chocolate. Well that's proven to cause acne... so dont do that!) I guess the only reasonable method would be to study early, but those of us who procrastinate I'm sorry I'm afraid I have no solution. Sorry. I have devoted 2.5 hours for studying my A.P. U.S. History exam, but am now taking a break. I have no school today because of the "wintery mix". Pftt. What wintery mix? I have none at my house, but maybe it's just too secluded from the rest of the world!!! There is nothing to eat in my house & I am starving!!! I don't want to get out in the cold. Supposedly the highway I need to travel on is covered in ice & my new license is not allowing me to embark on the very much needed trip!!! Oh well, I'm gonna go to the recesses of the pantry & cook up the best food course ever!!! And I'm gonna make millions!!! :)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
~ Best Day Ever ~
* In the background Spongebob is singing The Best Day Ever*
Ok so yesterday was an AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!! I went to Jacksin with my mom. I got to got to Chick-Fil-A & eat, then I went to Best But & got the live in Chicago DVD/CD Panic At The Disco. Might I add I'm watchin it now and it's AMAZING!!!!! Then I went to see Twilight AGAIN, but this time I just stared at Jasper & Carlisle the whole timw. haha. Then we went to the mall and I got a really cool bracelet; after the mall we went to Hallmark where I purchased a Beauty & the Beast ornament and a adorable snowman snowglobe!! It we really the best day ever!!! I love love love this cold weather and Christmas time! We got our real Christmas tree today and put my fake Disney tree out last night! Exams are approaching, ewwwww!!!! I really do not like school, or maybe it's just this year I dont like. It doesn't really matter, I still don't like it!!! Well I got my early Christmas present, a 4 month old Beagle named Ginnie! I love her. And right now I must go and give her a bath. Sorry for not posting in a super long time!!! I'll try to do better, in fact I shall do better!!!
~ Caroline ~
Artist of the wek: Panic at the Disco, with their album, Live in Chicago
( I promise there will be others!)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 1:39 PM 0 comments