Well I'm finally postin a new post, sorrt it took so long, alot's been happenin!!!
For starters I am not getting the Saturn Aura because my mom and dad can't agree on the money so im, as of now, driving my grandfather's truck. OK so this weekend I was with my dad ans his family. My dad, two little sisters, my step-mom and I all went to go see HSM 3. Addie, my youngest sister, sat in my lap the whole time and was dancin and makin her dog dance. Then when Mia, my younger older than Addie sister, got back from the restroom Addie asks " You go potty MeMe?" It was sooooooooo funny. Then my dad had to take Addie out and change her diaper. When she got back she said "Caroline, i changed my biper!" That was funny too. The movie was better than the 1st & 2nd one!!!! He was tryin to be Spencer Smith and tie a bandanna around his forehead. ( He didnt pull it off as good as Spencer!!! haha, well in my opinion at least) After the movies we went to Cracker Barrel and ate, then we came home and then I went to Kimmie's Image Salon and helped my aunt & cousin decorate. Now Addie & I are sitting here listenin to music and lookin at PATD. She told me "C'mon Caroline, go upstairs to see Jon!!" Oh I've taught her well!!!!! haha I love it!! Well I'm about to go get ready for church. Although Mia is sick and I don't feel well. I might call my mom and see if I can go home or just stay for church. Or I might not, not sure, haven't decided yet!!! haha OH!!!!! the biggest thing that's happened to me is that... I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! :) OK well I better go.
Your licensed blogger,
~* Caroline *~
3 months ago
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