" I'm in love with a boy(actualy a few) that doesn't know I exist!!!
Artist of the week: Fall Out Boy
Album: Folie a Deux
There are several good songs on this album!!!! Go to iTunes & buy it or Best Buy or whatever store sells it, it's so not a waste of money!!!! Then go to wwwfalloutboyrock.com/bonus to get somethin free, I think a song and some wallpaper for your computer! Fun times fun times!!!!!
Rascal Flatts Countdown!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Favorite quote
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey there! It's me, Caroline. I jsut wanted to check in with all my 4 followers. HAHA! Anyway, it's exam week & you know what that means, late nights & tons of coffee!!( if you drink coffee, if you don't, eat some chocolate. Well that's proven to cause acne... so dont do that!) I guess the only reasonable method would be to study early, but those of us who procrastinate I'm sorry I'm afraid I have no solution. Sorry. I have devoted 2.5 hours for studying my A.P. U.S. History exam, but am now taking a break. I have no school today because of the "wintery mix". Pftt. What wintery mix? I have none at my house, but maybe it's just too secluded from the rest of the world!!! There is nothing to eat in my house & I am starving!!! I don't want to get out in the cold. Supposedly the highway I need to travel on is covered in ice & my new license is not allowing me to embark on the very much needed trip!!! Oh well, I'm gonna go to the recesses of the pantry & cook up the best food course ever!!! And I'm gonna make millions!!! :)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
~ Best Day Ever ~
* In the background Spongebob is singing The Best Day Ever*
Ok so yesterday was an AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!! I went to Jacksin with my mom. I got to got to Chick-Fil-A & eat, then I went to Best But & got the live in Chicago DVD/CD Panic At The Disco. Might I add I'm watchin it now and it's AMAZING!!!!! Then I went to see Twilight AGAIN, but this time I just stared at Jasper & Carlisle the whole timw. haha. Then we went to the mall and I got a really cool bracelet; after the mall we went to Hallmark where I purchased a Beauty & the Beast ornament and a adorable snowman snowglobe!! It we really the best day ever!!! I love love love this cold weather and Christmas time! We got our real Christmas tree today and put my fake Disney tree out last night! Exams are approaching, ewwwww!!!! I really do not like school, or maybe it's just this year I dont like. It doesn't really matter, I still don't like it!!! Well I got my early Christmas present, a 4 month old Beagle named Ginnie! I love her. And right now I must go and give her a bath. Sorry for not posting in a super long time!!! I'll try to do better, in fact I shall do better!!!
~ Caroline ~
Artist of the wek: Panic at the Disco, with their album, Live in Chicago
( I promise there will be others!)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
! Twilight !
Ok so I know that I have already posted a ~ Twilight ~ post, but this time I have been to see the movie and let me tell you, it was AWESOME!!!!! I loved every minute of it. It was not as good as the book, but what movies are, execpt HarrY Potter. When I first saw the cast I had my doubts, but when I saw the cast in character, those doubts vanished!!! My favorites were Jasper Hale, Carlisle Cullen, and Alice Cullen. Jackson Rathbone plays Jasper, Peter Facinelli plyas Carlisle, and Ashley Greene plays Alice. They other actors and actresses were good too, but these three stood out to me! It has been announced that New Moon is be produced right now and it will be out late next year. I'm sooooooo excited!!!! I have finished the first 3 and I'm almost finished with Breaking Dawn! I am so thankful that my friends talked me into reading the books and that people have recongized Stephenie Meyer's talent. Also, Summit Entertainment did a fantastic job of producing the movie!!!! Well I'm at school and the bell is about to ring! I strongly suggest you go see the movie, Twilight!! Although you must keep an openmind!!! Tell me what you think!!!
~* Caroline *~
Here they are! Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen. Alice Cullen, and Jasper Hale. (Kellan Lutz, Niki Reed, Elizabeth Reaser, Robert Pattinson, Peter Pacinelli, Ashley Greene, and Jackson Rathbone)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
~ Twilight ~
All right people, it's almost here!!!! Twilight is almost here!!!!! It has 2 more days, not one, i think my counter is for a different country. its not one, sorry, but it is only two. I pre-ordered my tickets today and im soooooo excited!!!!! So what are ya'lls thoughts about the movie? Comment people, i have no idea if u like what im writing. I want ideas if you dont like it, im up for anything!!! Ok so im fixin to go read and go to bed. I don't feel too good and im exhausted!!!! See ya'll later!! Tata.
~* Caroline *~
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
* Weekend *
Well I'm finally postin a new post, sorrt it took so long, alot's been happenin!!!
For starters I am not getting the Saturn Aura because my mom and dad can't agree on the money so im, as of now, driving my grandfather's truck. OK so this weekend I was with my dad ans his family. My dad, two little sisters, my step-mom and I all went to go see HSM 3. Addie, my youngest sister, sat in my lap the whole time and was dancin and makin her dog dance. Then when Mia, my younger older than Addie sister, got back from the restroom Addie asks " You go potty MeMe?" It was sooooooooo funny. Then my dad had to take Addie out and change her diaper. When she got back she said "Caroline, i changed my biper!" That was funny too. The movie was better than the 1st & 2nd one!!!! He was tryin to be Spencer Smith and tie a bandanna around his forehead. ( He didnt pull it off as good as Spencer!!! haha, well in my opinion at least) After the movies we went to Cracker Barrel and ate, then we came home and then I went to Kimmie's Image Salon and helped my aunt & cousin decorate. Now Addie & I are sitting here listenin to music and lookin at PATD. She told me "C'mon Caroline, go upstairs to see Jon!!" Oh I've taught her well!!!!! haha I love it!! Well I'm about to go get ready for church. Although Mia is sick and I don't feel well. I might call my mom and see if I can go home or just stay for church. Or I might not, not sure, haven't decided yet!!! haha OH!!!!! the biggest thing that's happened to me is that... I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! :) OK well I better go.
Your licensed blogger,
~* Caroline *~
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
~ Halloween ~
Hey, so how was ya'lls halloween? Mine was FANTASTIC!!! I had a great time at my friend, holly's, house!!! We had games and even went trick ir treating!!! I'd never been trick or treating before last night, it was fun!!!! Well Ihope you had a fun and safe weekend!!! I shall check back in later!!!! Bye!!
Your new trick or treater,
~* Caroline *~
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
~ AHHHH IT'S HERE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~
Your super excited blogger friend,
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
~ Just Checking In ~
Hey guys, just wanted to let u kno that I am indeed still here!!! So I promised you weekly artists, songs, or watever. This week's artist is none other than: Panic At The Disco!!! * Applause* Yeah you go guys!!! And their new song and video is song of the week and video of the week is It's Almost Halloween!!! YAY!!!!! you can go to youtube or www.friendsorenemies.com to watch it!! They made it themselves and it's pretty cool for homemade videos!! Haha ok well I'm exhausted from all this school. I think someone should scientifically prove that school is bad for your health!! Or at least physically going to school, having someone go there for you is fine or someone just discover an insertable chip already!!! Alright well I'm gonna go sleep, or something relaxing!! Talk to ya'll later!!!
~* Caroline *~
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Labels: Panic at the Disco, school
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ok so I've got some ideas. I'm stealing your idea AshLee, sorry!!! Haha, shes cool with it though and it's not entirely the same as hers!!! Well anyway like her I will be posting some of my favorite bands updates (they are entirely different bands, except for a few) trust me!!! But I think thats all, I might have a song of the week or video or somethin like that. Ok well I read AshLee's blog (http://www.dontregretitnow.blogspot.com/) and I thought I would do somethin like that. Time for the first one!!! Ok so have ya'll ever heard of Panic At The Disco? Well if you havent then you should soooo check them out!! See here's a picture, arent they cute? Yep!! Anyway, they have posted on their blog that they are making a new video for a new halloween song that they wrote, but they are directing it themselves. I have mixed emotions: nervousness, happy, glad, sad, and others. They are also makin a new video for their single Northern Downpour!! Love that song!!! Jon and Ryan said they wrote it for their fans!!! Ohhhh sooo cute!!! I love Panic at the disco, especially Jon and Spencer!!! :) :) :) <3> Go to http://www.weresoblogging.com/ to find out all about the video!!!
1. Id' like to give a shout out to Holly. You really need to visit her blog, http://www.wordsofthebird.blogspot.com/ She's AMAZIN!!!
2. Now a shout out to AshLee and her blog, which I've already posted.
If you haven't visited any of these blogs you sooooo need to!!!
3. Now a shout out to Misz.Independent. Thank you so much for bein my first follower!!
4. And to everyone else who has visited my blog, but I just dont know about it. You should let me know if you visit the blog so I can give a shout out to you!! :) Also. if you have suggestions or want to see something on this blog or whaever, just tell me!!! I'm all for suggestions and I will take what you say into consideration and you might just see it on the blog!!
Well thats about all, I'm gonna go read New Moon, rigt now I dont really like it, but supposedly it gets better and the third one is gonna be better... I hope!!!! So I'm gonna go finish it!!
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 4:51 PM 1 comments
:) Randomness :)
Hey Hey. Ugh don't ya just hate school!!! Haha well, I do anyway, sometimes. Sometimes there are perks to school, like all the hot guys to look at, but at our school there are NO HOT GUYS!!! Well maybe some, but you can only count em on two hands!!! It's like if they are even remotely good looking our school says ; no he's to good looking, find an uglier guy!! ( From the wise words of Bailey) HAHA Ok the message was not to bash the guys at my school, it was just to point put a random fact; something you will have to deal with if or when reading this blog. Ok so I didn't really do much over the weekend except for car shopping, but I already wrote about it, and I went to the Fall Fest. It was the biggest ever this year with 120 booths, I think. Oh yeah my first period computer class has to put together a project to present to the 1st graders. We are " teaching" them about the Armor of God. It's alright, I kinda don't want to do it, I hate being in front of people, even if it is 1st graders!!! Well that's all I guess. I'd like to direct your attention to the bottom of the page where you will find a poll that asks you if you are excited about the Twilight movie. Are you looking? Ok good, now then you will find three options, I would like for you to pick one and vote. Because as you've probably heard "It's very important to express your opinion and make a difference" HAHA Thought I'd throw that in there since it was getting pretty close to voting. But seriously you need to vote, here and on Nov. 4th!!! It's crucial. (the Nov. 4th one) If you don't know what the Twilight movie is, then you should read the other post that's entitled "Raise Your Hand If You're Excited For the Twilight Movie" and I will more than likely post something when it gets closer to premiere time!!! Well that's all for now, I've got to go get ready for dinner!!!
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ohh I'm soo excited. I might be gettin a car!!! It's my dream car and it's the right price and it's just sooo pretty. It's a blue '07 Honda Civic, four door, AWESOME stero, and tons more. When we walked in I told my mom, thats my car, right there, I'm gettin that car!! She laughed and said we'll see, but we had ro go to the Toyota dealer and the Nissean dealer, but nothin was there!!! So I called my dad and he said that he would get me after school sometime next week and he would see about it!! Ohhhh I'm just sooo excited!!!! On another note, we won our homecoming, barely!!! We shouldve beat em worse, but at least we won!!! Alright well I'm fixin to watch A Walk To Remember. We had our Fall Fest today and the show choir sang the song Only Hope, so it kinda got me wantin to watch that movie!!! I'll talk to ya'll later!!
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 5:42 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
<3 Heartbreak <3
Have you ever had your heart broken? Well I just have and let me tell ya, IT STINKS!!!!! I can't even listen to a "love song" without gettin sad or upset or whatever. I miss the conversations I had had with him and ugh I just HATE IT!!!!! How do you get over somethin like this? I dont think i ever will!!! I could use all the suggestions you can give me!!!
Your heartbroken friend
~* Caroline *~
But it's all good now, cuz we r friends now and I still enjoy our conversations!!!
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:23 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Raise Your Hand if You're Excited About the Twilight movie!!!
Ok, so there's this book called Twilight. It's AMAZIN and they're comin out with a movie!!! Oh I'm soooo excited. Stephenie Meyers wrote the book and there are 4 books in the series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclispe, and Breaking Dawn. She wrote a fifth one, Midnight Sun, but the storyline was leaked and she didnt finish it. I hope she writes some more, because she's an amazing author!!! Anyway, about the movie. The release date is November 21, 2008 and my friends and I will be there to see it that day!!! You must go see the movie, and read the books!!! If you've read the books tell me how you liked them, but be warned, I have not read ALL of them, only Twilight and like the first two chapters of New Moon, so DO NOT SPOIL THE NEDING OF ANYTHING PLEASE!!!! Ok well i'm gonna go to bed now, talk to ya'll later. :)
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Hi There
Well hey there!!! As you might know this is a new blog that i have created!!! I really hope you like it, please feel free to comment and suggest!!! I'm new at this so you might have to bear with me! I probably will not be able to update EVERY day because I'm still in high school and have TONS of homework!! :( But I will try to update weekly! Hope you enjoy the blog, tell your friends, don't do drugs and stay in school!!
Posted by ~* Carolina's Blog *~ at 5:31 PM 0 comments